Spend MrBeast Money: A Fun Financial Simulation by Neal.fun

Kaloo Dinaz
3 min readJun 2, 2024


Imagine having access to a billionaire’s bank account for just one minute. What would you buy? How would you spend it? This is the premise behind the entertaining and thought-provoking web game Spend MrBeast Money Game Unblocked, created by Neal Agarwal on his website, Neal.fun.

Play Spend MrBeast Money Game by Neal fun Unblocked

Spend MrBeast Money Game in 1 minute

The Concept

Spend MrBeast Money Fortune is a financial simulation game that lets players experience the thrill and challenge of spending $100 million, a sum equivalent to the estimated net worth of YouTube sensation MrBeast, within a 60-second time frame. The game offers a variety of items to purchase, ranging from everyday necessities to extravagant luxuries, enabling players to explore their spending habits and priorities in a fun and engaging way.

How to Play

The gameplay is straightforward:

  1. Start the Timer: Players begin with $100 million and a countdown clock set to 60 seconds.
  2. Choose Your Purchases: A wide array of items is available for purchase, including small-ticket items like cups of coffee, medium-ticket items like cars and houses, and high-ticket items like private jets and yachts.
  3. Track Your Spending: As players select items, the remaining balance is updated in real-time, providing immediate feedback on how quickly or slowly the money is being spent.
  4. Race Against the Clock: The challenge lies in making strategic and swift purchasing decisions before the clock runs out.

The Shopping List

The items available for purchase in Spend MrBeast Money Simulator are diverse and categorized by price. Some examples include:

  • Affordable Items: Coffee ($5), Books ($15), Video Games ($60)
  • Moderate Expenses: Smartphones ($1,000), Laptops ($1,500), Designer Handbags ($5,000)
  • Luxury Goods: Sports Cars ($150,000), Luxury Yachts ($10 million), Private Islands ($50 million)

Each item serves as a stepping stone in the spending spree, allowing players to visualize the vast difference in purchasing power between everyday goods and high-end luxuries.

Educational Value

Beyond its entertainment value, Spend MrBeast Money provides an educational insight into economics and personal finance. Players gain a better understanding of:

  • Wealth Distribution: The game highlights the disparity between the cost of everyday items and luxury goods, offering a perspective on how billionaires manage their wealth.
  • Spending Priorities: By choosing what to buy, players reflect on their own spending priorities and values, questioning whether they would prioritize practical purchases or indulgent splurges.
  • Budget Management: The time constraint introduces an element of pressure, akin to real-life decision-making under financial constraints, emphasizing the importance of quick thinking and prioritization.


Spend MrBeast Money Game by Neal.fun is more than just a game — it’s a digital playground that offers valuable lessons on wealth, spending, and personal finance. By immersing players in a scenario where they control a vast fortune, it fosters both fun and reflection, making it a must-try experience for anyone curious about the world of billionaires and the challenge of managing immense wealth in a limited time. Whether you approach it with a strategic mindset or a carefree attitude, one thing is certain: spending MrBeast’s money has never been more exhilarating.

Play Spend MrBeast Money Game by Neal fun Unblocked

